The following pictures were submitted by Jimmy Chambers


Jim and His Dog Chunky

velasco coronation mayfete

Velasco May Fete Coronation - Look Close you may be there.

Mrs Yanceys Class -1949
Back-to Front - Left toRight
Mrs Yancey, Benjiman Sabotik, Daphne Gasch, ?, Juanita Valigur, Ronald Coleman, Alvie Merrill, ?, ?.
James Fox, Gary Herring
Hazel Rutherford, Paula Marshal, Jimmy Chambers, Donald Yancey, ?, Allen Owens, Cecil Koym, ?,?.
Sherry Miller, ?, Kenneth Simpson,?,?dog,Sue Muckleroy

Did they let dogs go to school back then?

Back to Front -Left to right
John Rice,?, Daphne Gasch, Betty Repp, Delores Thielemann, Barbara Bell, ?, Shirley Miles, Jo Ellen Johnson.
John Graham, Jimmy Goodson, ?, Hazel Rutherford, Sue Muckleroy, Mrs. Hanna, ?, ?, Virginia Hibbetts, Charlene Linder.
John Wayne Stringer, Woodson Glass, Jerry Mitchell, Kenneth Simpson,Ronald Coleman, ?, ?, Allen Owens, Larry Martin,
?, Ok, Jimmy Chambers is the one with the gun, ?. so who are the "?"?.

54-55 BHS Band
1955 Band Picture with School in the background
Ok you may have to download this one to get close enough if you have the latest Internet Explorer
Just hold the Control Button down and hit the + key and it will zoom